In the previous post, we have seen how Xiaomi BLE Temperature and Humidity sensors can be integrated to HASS. In the same post, there was also an example of using RaspberryPi+MQTT to network distant BLE sensors.

Now that the sensors and lights are integrated at one place, I would like to use Google Assistant to further get notifications for these devices:

Device Map

I have borrowed this picture from my first post, where I integrated the Ikea lights with HASS. Ikea Smart Home App has an integrated support for Google Assistant. This way we can turn on, turn off and dim lights using Google commands. However Xiaomi sensors do not have any ready made solutions to integrate with Google Assistant (at the time of publishing this post).

I would like to setup this integration so that I can ask Google “Hey Google! Den Shower Humidity?” and then Google will respond with “Temperature in the bathroom is 23.4 deg”. To get this working, we need to:

  1. Expose HASS server with a publicly accessible hostname and SSL certificate.
  2. Setup a project using Google Actions Console.
  3. Link the project with publicly accessible HASS.

Detailed instructions can be found here. As also described in the same instructions, a “Sensor” domain in Google…

